Webroot Strengthens Leadership in Security and Data Protection with ISO 27001 Certification

BROOMFIELD - December 13, 2018

Webroot, the Smarter Cybersecurity® company, announced it received ISO 27001 certification, one of the highest internationally recognized standards for information security management systems. This achievement highlights Webroot’s ongoing commitment to providing the highest standard in security protection.  

Established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), this process-based standard specifies the requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining and continually improving an information security management system. It also includes requirements for the assessment and treatment of information security risks tailored to the needs of the organization.

About the Certification:

  • ISO 27001 is recognized globally as an international standard for managing the security of information held by an organization.
  • The certification extends to every level of an organization’s IT infrastructure stack, including asset management, access control, human resource security and application security.
  • Webroot underwent in-depth testing and assessment by a third-party auditor to validate compliance with this standard. 
  • In achieving certification, Webroot successfully demonstrated a systematic and documented approach to protecting and managing sensitive company and customer information including customer and employee data, intellectual property, and intelligence information related to cybersecurity and threat intelligence services.

Key Quote:

Gary Hayslip, CISO, Webroot

“At Webroot, security is our business, which is why we enacted policies, processes and controls to keep our data secure. Receiving ISO certification strengthens our security posture and underlines our commitment to providing the highest level of protection for our customers.”

About Webroot

Webroot was the first to harness the cloud and artificial intelligence to protect businesses and individuals against cyber threats. We provide the number one security solution for managed service providers and small businesses, who rely on Webroot for endpoint protection, network protection, and security awareness training. Webroot BrightCloud® Threat Intelligence Services are used by market-leading companies like Cisco, F5 Networks, Citrix, Aruba, Palo Alto Networks, A10 Networks, and more. Leveraging the power of machine learning to protect millions of businesses and individuals, Webroot secures the connected world. Headquartered in Colorado, Webroot operates globally across North America, Europe, and Asia. Discover Smarter Cybersecurity® solutions at webroot.com.


ウェブルートは Smarter Cybersecurityのソリューションプロバイダです。インテリジェントなエンドポイント保護および脅威インテリジェンス・サービスによって「モノのインターネット」(IoT=Internet of Things)のセキュリティを実現。クラウドベースで予測型の総合脅威インテリジェンス・プラットフォームを活用することによって、コンピュータ、タブレット、スマートフォン、そしてあらゆるデバイスをマルウェアや他のサイバー攻撃から保護しています。高い評価を受けているSecureAnywhereインテリジェント・エンドポイント保護とBrightCloud脅威インテリジェンス・サービスは、世界中で数千万台以上のエンドユーザ、企業、エンタープライズ機器を守っています。ウェブルートのテクノロジーは、業界トップリーダーであるCisco、F5 Networks、HP、Microsoft、Palo Alto Networks、RSA、Arubaなどのソリューションに採用され、高い信頼を得ています。本社を米国コロラド州に置き、北米、欧州、アジア環太平洋、日本でビジネス展開しています。Smarter Cybersecurityの詳細はウェブサイトhttps://www.webroot.com/jp/ja/ をご参照ください。