Webroot and Cloud Harmonics Partner to Empower the Channel with Next-Generation Threat Intelligence

Webroot BrightCloud Threat Intelligence for Palo Alto Networks Firewalls Expands Cloud Harmonics’ Enterprise Protection Product Portfolio

BROOMFIELD, CO. - April 4, 2016

Webroot, the market leader in next-generation endpoint security and cloud-based collective threat intelligence, today announced the addition of Cloud Harmonics to its global network of value-added distributors.

Cloud Harmonics is expanding its product portfolio with Webroot BrightCloud® Threat Intelligence for Palo Alto Networks to help its comprehensive network of value-added resellers (VARs) and managed service providers (MSPs) improve their customers’ ability to detect and block malicious IP threats at the network perimeter. The next-generation threat intelligence from Webroot will bring greater efficacy and increased operating margins for Cloud Harmonics customers, who are managing next-generation firewall networks.

“We have been very impressed with the additional efficacy of the Webroot solution. Adding threat intelligence from Webroot, a Palo Alto Networks ecosystem partner, to our portfolio gives more than 400 channel partners in our network access to comprehensive cybersecurity solutions,” said Anand Desai, vice president of marketing and emerging technologies at Cloud Harmonics. “Enterprises and mid-market users can now use global threat intelligence, with behavioral analysis, to protect themselves the moment a new threat is detected anywhere in the world.”

According to the Webroot® 2016 Threat Brief, more than 100,000 net new malicious IPs are launched every day. Since cybercriminals change hosts and IP addresses frequently, new threats emerge constantly and firewalls need accurate and timely updates. BrightCloud Threat Intelligence for Palo Alto Networks seamlessly integrates with Palo Alto Networks Next-Generation Firewalls to detect and block malicious incoming IPs. Compatible with nearly any Palo Alto Networks firewall, real-time BrightCloud Threat Intelligence can be customized based on the threats hitting individual Palo Alto Networks devices to deliver highly accurate and timely threat data to improve the ability to block threats at the perimeter.

“We are very excited to add Cloud Harmonics to our team of authorized partners. Their focus on distributing next-generation, cloud-based solutions is perfectly aligned with our product focus. With a greater reliance on threat intelligence as a viable enterprise cybersecurity defense, Webroot extends the capabilities of Cloud Harmonics’ network of resellers,” said Mike Malloy, executive vice president of products and strategy at Webroot. "This is a key opportunity to enhance their offerings with real-time IP threat intelligence in order to block more inbound malicious IP threats than Palo Alto Networks Next-Generation Firewalls can block natively.”

Cloud Harmonics and Webroot will be demonstrating BrightCloud Threat Intelligence for Palo Alto Networks at Ignite 2016, held at The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas on April 3 - 6, 2016.

About Cloud Harmonics

Cloud Harmonics Inc., the fastest growing full-service, Next-Generation Distributor of cybersecurity and cloud technologies, is fueling the channel with its innovative Educate, Engage, and Enable business model. Working with leading technology providers, such as Aruba Networks, Arista Networks, HPE, Palo Alto Networks, and others, Cloud Harmonics provides the awareness, technical proficiency, and services support its more than 300 reseller partners need to create opportunities, close deals, and secure repeat business. Cloud Harmonics trains more than 3,000 engineers annually. Through its large distribution channel, the company provides resellers access to an arsenal of business applications that streamline sales, reduce costs, and accelerate the adoption of next-generation solutions. To learn more about the world-class training, disruptive engagement methodology, and differentiated services and applications that has made Cloud Harmonics the distributor of choice for resellers and technology companies everywhere, please visit www.cloudharmonics.com.


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