Webroot Announces Thirteenth Consecutive Quarter of Double-Digit Business Growth

Having Added 850 MSPs in Q3 2017, Webroot Now Protects More Than 190,000 Businesses Worldwide

BROOMFIELD, Colo. - June 6, 2017

Webroot, the market leader in endpoint security, network security, and threat intelligence, achieved double-digit year-over-year bookings growth in its third fiscal quarter ending on March 31, 2017. Exceeding industry averages, the company’s business segment bookings grew by 31 percent for the quarter and the consumer segment by 3 percent. Webroot solutions continue to grow in popularity with managed service providers (MSPs), and over 850 MSP partners were added during the quarter. Today, Webroot protects more than 8,800 MSP customers and secures over 190,000 businesses worldwide.

Explore Webroot’s Awards and Testimonials: https://www.webroot.com/us/en/about/our-customers

Key Webroot Highlights of Q3 2017:

Product Expansion

  • Webroot announced three new products to expand its security and threat intelligence portfolio. 
    • SecureAnywhere® DNS Protection, a domain name resolution service, provides organizations with protection from malicious websites. Leveraging the Webroot BrightCloud® Web Classification, Web Reputation, and IP Reputation Services, SecureAnywhere DNS Protection defends devices at the most basic level of internet communication, the Domain Name System (DNS) layer. 
    • BrightCloud® Streaming Malware Detection enables security industry partners to integrate advanced machine learning models directly into perimeter security appliances to make fast and accurate determinations on files without needing to download them in their entirety. The technology makes file determinations at a rate of over 5,700 files per minute—over 500 times faster than network sandboxing.
    • FlowScape® analytics now is integrated with BrightCloud Threat Intelligence to significantly accelerate the discovery and investigation of unknown threats that access, traverse, and exit today’s disparate networks.


  • CRN, a brand of The Channel Company, named Charlie Tomeo, VP of worldwide business sales at Webroot, to its list of 2017 Channel Chiefs.
  • Webroot BrightCloud® Threat Investigator received a silver Info Security Products Guide’s 2017 Global Excellence Award in the New Product or Service Announcement category. The Global Excellence Awards program recognizes security and IT vendors with advanced, groundbreaking products and solutions that help set the bar higher in all areas of security and technology.

Partner News

Key Quote:

Dick Williams, CEO of Webroot

“As high-profile ransomware and phishing attacks continue to make headlines, it’s become clear traditional security perimeters are no longer effective in protecting against today’s most complex threats. Our strong, continued growth demonstrates that our customers recognize the effectiveness of Webroot solutions to protect them from these sophisticated attack vectors. Leveraging our advanced machine-learning techniques, Webroot continues to get smarter and more effective as we add new customers, endpoints, sensors, and other global data sources.”

Additional Resources:

About Webroot

Webroot delivers next-generation endpoint security and network security and threat intelligence services to protect businesses and individuals around the globe. Our smarter approach harnesses the power of cloud-based collective threat intelligence derived from millions of real-world devices to stop threats in real time and help secure the connected world. Our award-winning SecureAnywhere® endpoint solutions, BrightCloud® Threat Intelligence Services, and FlowScape® solution protect millions of devices across businesses, home users, and the Internet of Things. Webroot is trusted and integrated by market-leading companies, including Cisco, F5 Networks, Aruba, Palo Alto Networks, A10 Networks, and more. Headquartered in Colorado, Webroot operates globally across North America, Europe, and Asia. Discover Smarter Cybersecurity solutions at www.webroot.com.


ウェブルートは Smarter Cybersecurityのソリューションプロバイダです。インテリジェントなエンドポイント保護および脅威インテリジェンス・サービスによって「モノのインターネット」(IoT=Internet of Things)のセキュリティを実現。クラウドベースで予測型の総合脅威インテリジェンス・プラットフォームを活用することによって、コンピュータ、タブレット、スマートフォン、そしてあらゆるデバイスをマルウェアや他のサイバー攻撃から保護しています。高い評価を受けているSecureAnywhereインテリジェント・エンドポイント保護とBrightCloud脅威インテリジェンス・サービスは、世界中で数千万台以上のエンドユーザ、企業、エンタープライズ機器を守っています。ウェブルートのテクノロジーは、業界トップリーダーであるCisco、F5 Networks、HP、Microsoft、Palo Alto Networks、RSA、Arubaなどのソリューションに採用され、高い信頼を得ています。本社を米国コロラド州に置き、北米、欧州、アジア環太平洋、日本でビジネス展開しています。Smarter Cybersecurityの詳細はウェブサイトhttps://www.webroot.com/jp/ja/ をご参照ください。