Webroot Appoints Neil Stratz and Chad Bacher to Executive Team

Industry Veterans Join Webroot Leadership to Drive Global Sales and Lead Product Innovation

BROOMFIELD, CO. - March 29, 2016

Webroot, the market leader in next-generation endpoint security and cloud-based collective threat intelligence, today announced the appointment of Neil Stratz as senior vice president of worldwide business sales and Chad Bacher as senior vice president of product strategy and technology alliances.

“Webroot is expanding very quickly. Maintaining strong leadership is vital to accelerating the growth that will enable us to achieve our goals,” said Dick Williams, CEO of Webroot. "Our success is dependent on our customers, our partners, and our products, and I could not be more pleased with the leadership team we have assembled to drive excellence in each of those areas.”

Neil Stratz is responsible for sales and partnerships in Webroot’s global business segments with a focus on channel and managed service providers (MSP). He brings more than 20 years of experience building and leading high performance sales teams in the security, cloud, and data center infrastructure markets. Most recently, Stratz was vice president of threat intelligence and response at Proofpoint, Inc. (PFPT), where he led go-to-market teams for Proofpoint’s threat intelligence and response products. Prior to Proofpoint, he has successfully managed sales and technical sales teams at NetCitadel, Inc., Juniper Networks, CA Technologies (CA), Wily Technology, and Informix Software (now IBM).

In his second tour with Webroot, Chad Bacher will oversee the company’s product strategy, including product management and product marketing functions and technology alliances. Bacher brings more than 15 years of security and software experience. Before rejoining the Webroot team, he was vice president of products for Malwarebytes. Prior to that, he had served as chief product officer for Webroot and held product management roles for Abacus and Schwinn Cycling & Fitness.


ウェブルートは Smarter Cybersecurityのソリューションプロバイダです。インテリジェントなエンドポイント保護および脅威インテリジェンス・サービスによって「モノのインターネット」(IoT=Internet of Things)のセキュリティを実現。クラウドベースで予測型の総合脅威インテリジェンス・プラットフォームを活用することによって、コンピュータ、タブレット、スマートフォン、そしてあらゆるデバイスをマルウェアや他のサイバー攻撃から保護しています。高い評価を受けているSecureAnywhereインテリジェント・エンドポイント保護とBrightCloud脅威インテリジェンス・サービスは、世界中で数千万台以上のエンドユーザ、企業、エンタープライズ機器を守っています。ウェブルートのテクノロジーは、業界トップリーダーであるCisco、F5 Networks、HP、Microsoft、Palo Alto Networks、RSA、Arubaなどのソリューションに採用され、高い信頼を得ています。本社を米国コロラド州に置き、北米、欧州、アジア環太平洋、日本でビジネス展開しています。Smarter Cybersecurityの詳細はウェブサイトhttps://www.webroot.com/jp/ja/ をご参照ください。