Webroot BrightCloud® Streaming Malware Detection
Catch malicious files in transit, before they wreak havoc your customers’ networks
Empower Customers with Better Detection at the Network Edge
Webroot BrightCloud® Streaming Malware Detection inspects files, packet by packet, as they stream through a network device. Making determinations about polymorphic malware, zero-day and other malicious files, this service can detect malware before it infiltrates a network, enabling partner devices to block the files or route for further investigation.
- Provide risk scores for files as they stream through network devices
- Make onboard determinations in milliseconds – over two orders of magnitude faster than typical network sandboxing technology
- Improve network performance and reduce latency by minimizing the need to re-inspect files determined to be benign
- Leverage the massive scale of advanced machine learning, continuously improving its capabilities

Why Webroot
Today’s network and security vendors are challenged with providing multiple layers of security to target the many types of threats their customers face. Webroot BrightCloud Streaming Malware Detection enables that added layer of security to catch malicious files at the perimeter, in front of slower, heuristics or signature-based technologies like sandboxes.
Ultimately, by integrating these services into your network devices, you will be adding malware detection functionality that enhances your ability to detect and block known and never-before-seen malware, setting you apart from your competition.
BrightCloud URL/IP lookup
Get a complete threat, content, and reputation analysis for a URL or IP address.
Take the next step.
Integrate machine learning threat intelligence to stop web-borne attacks. Contact us to learn more or request a demonstration.